
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: abril, 2019


Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) was born in Scotland. His natural sickness led to a childhood dedicated to reading and the invention of stories. Son and grandson of lighthouse builders, he studied law at the University of Edinburgh. From the age of twenty-six, he began to travel in search of milder climates for his tuberculosis. He married a woman older than himself, Fanny Osbourne, divorced and with children. Among his most famous books are the immortal Treasure Island (1881), The Black Arrow (1883), The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1886), The Lord of Ballantrae (1889) or Nights in the island (1893). He was also the author of simple and memorable verses. He spent the last years of his brief life navigating the South Pacific, until he settled in Upolu, one of the Samoa islands, where he built a house in which, at forty-four years, he died of a stroke. The natives of the island, who had baptized him with the vernacular name of Tusitala ("Storyteller"), veile...


PRINCESA, VIGILA! Hi havia una vegada, en un pais molt llunyá, un poble que era amenaçat per un gegant drac. En aquell poble hi vivia un princesa, amb el seu pare, el rei; en un petit castell a la punta de la muntanya. El rei estava molt preocupat pel seu poble, el drac rondava per alla. Ja s'havia menjat tot el bestiá del poble, les obelles, les vaques, els bous, les gallines,... Estava molt desesperat per trobar una solució. En aquells temps, rondava un caballer molt valenta, capaç de derrotar a qualsevol monstre. El rei no va dubtar en enviar-li una carta demanant ajuda. Aquella nit, el drac va entrar al castell i va exigir menjar. Si el rei no li donava, cremaria tot el poble. Aixi que el drac, mentres el rei pensava en que donar-li per menjar, va raptar a la seva filla; la princesa. Li va dir que si trigava mes de 3 dies en conseguir menjar per ell, se la menjaria. El  desesperat va enviar a la seva cort a buscar el caballer tan famós. El caballer va arribar. El r...